Sunday, January 18, 2015

Goals for 2015?

Do I make or write down new goals every year? No.

But, I have been thinking a lot about what I want this new year to entail.

There are several things I look forward to - so, in a sense, maybe I do have some goals for the coming year:

1. Fall in love with Jesus...all over again.

When it comes down to it, I look forward to a year of learning to hear Him, resting in Him, delighting in Him. Not getting caught up in things that don't matter, or that aren't of the Truth. He's the One who matters. Knowing Him matters more than anything else. Nothing else does.

2. Get healthy.

I started GAPS diet last November. It's been going really well - a lot less inflammation, that's for sure. The purpose is for healing the gut, which is a good thing for those (like me) who have autoimmune issues. I want to be stronger, physically, and better fit to serve God in whatever capacity He sees fit.

3. Love the person in front of me.

He's been highlighting to me this. A LOT. About how important it is to seek to bless, encourage and edify others that cross my path. To have that as my goal, rather than a "what's in this relationship for me?" attitude. Loving others is what Jesus is about - we see how He emptied Himself, coming in the form of a servant. That's what I want to do, too.

4. Prepare for what's next.

There are a few specific things I believe God will have me getting into... eventually. But I want to be preparing now, and learning and listening, so that when He says "go," I am ready to jump up and go!