Given a lot of the more conservative media outcry
against the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, it would seem the institute of marriage, as well as the Church’s well-being itself,
is completely at the mercy of whatever the US government decides it believes.
The problem is, by launching into such an outcry, we
are actually agreeing with the
government, not dissenting.
By giving such credence to what the Supreme Court
decides, we ally ourselves with the government’s assertion that it has a right
to all the power it claims.
In order to think that the government has the ultimate
power or authority to define marriage or anything else, we must first
necessarily believe that it is the ultimate authority and power on Earth.
Reality check: who is in charge here?
The apostle Paul describes government as having a
responsibility to reward good and punish evil.
We’ve confused the issue here – we’ve gone beyond
that, and are saying, essentially, that government
has a recognizable right to determine what is evil, and to decide what is good.
Sorry, they don’t get to make the rules.
They only get to enforce them.
By ceding so much power and authority to a
human-made, self-seeking government, we run the risk of replacing God and His
rightful role with a carnal, human, transitory power.
God’s Kingdom and the kingdom of the world are two
entirely separate entities.
While the kingdoms of the world can’t exist without
God’s permission, the Kingdom of God exists outside and above any human power
or authority. His Kingdom does not require permission from human kingdoms to
Too often, we sadly seem to confuse the two.
The US government is not an agent of God’s Kingdom.
Nor can it be expected to be so.
Sure, it can act as an agent of God’s
judgment, if God wills.
But it can never oversee the sacred things of God,
nor can it be expected to. Nor should it be allowed to. That would be handing
it over power that it cannot rightfully wield.
It is carnal and earthly. The flesh cannot
comprehend the Spirit, nor such mystical things as the union of a man and his
The Church, however, is born of the Spirit.
It exists outside of the realm of earthly kingdoms.
It exists without governments’ permission or
It is an entity entirely separate from the State.
We, as God’s people, are not defined by the State.
We do not exist with permission from the State.
We do not have our well-being from the State.
We do not find our identity in the State.
We do not look to the State to teach us right from wrong.
No matter what the State does or says.
We are aliens and strangers.
We aren’t citizens of this world.
We are citizens of the Kingdom.
God’s Kingdom.
Not the United States.
This is just a temporary kingdom.
When God establishes His rule and reign on Earth, we will all know it.
And He won’t use human governments to take over.
He will just TAKE OVER.
The power and authority called “The United States of
America” will eventually fade.
To derive any of our value from it is fleeting.
To derive any of our value from it is fleeting.
Let us therefore put our trust in God, the true Source of life, and not governments.
Regardless of anything that the kingdoms of the world may do, they aren't omnipotent.
He is.
"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In
the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the
John 16:33